Where does the Rotary Club of West El Paso fit in Rotary?
There are over 1.2 million Rotarians worldwide, in over 35,000 clubs. These clubs are organized into 529 geographical areas called “districts” containing on average, about 65 clubs.
The Rotary Club of West El Paso is a part of Rotary District 5520, a grouping of 69 clubs covering all of New Mexico and West Texas from El Paso to Fort Stockton.
What Does a District Do?
The purpose of a rotary district is to help its member clubs be as successful as possible.
Each Rotary district worldwide supports is member clubs with training. This includes a variety of training including PETS for new presidents, RI Foundating Training, assemblies for for club leaders, and Rotary Leadership Institute for all Rotarians.
In addition, Rotary Districts provide support and guidance for all clubs, led by the district governor and assistant governors. There are also district chairs that are available to help clubs with a variety of issues such as membership, public relations.
Rotary districts also coordinate activities that need more central guidance and coordination than found in a single club. Examples in our district include International Youth Exchange, RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) camps, Rotary Friendship exchanges. The Rotary Club of West El Paso participates in all of these.
A major area of activity for the district is to assist clubs in working with the Rotary Foundation to obtain funding for their projects.
More Information
For Further information on Rotary District 5520, go to rotary5520.org